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The 3 Benefits of Martial Arts Wellness Programs

Attracting talent to your organization is more difficult now than it has been. With more flexibility favoring employees, you must offer a fully laid out benefits package. This approach may appear costly, but it will help you attract and retain high-caliber, talented workers. Hiring the right person can raise morale and productivity in one or more departments of your organization. 

The best reason to offer a generous benefits package is to invest in your people. The happier and healthier they are, the better work they will be able to do for a longer time. Wellness sections in a package are a good investment for everyone. 

Both Forbes and the Harvard Business Review (HBR) list gym membership and company wellness programs as being attractive to employees. Another HBR article points out that wellness programs as being good for employers as they end up reducing their overall health benefit payments and sick days. 

Keep reading to learn more about why offer a wellness section to your benefits package in the way of a martial arts membership is a good idea. 

1. It supports overall health

You can offer a martial arts membership alone or as part of a wellness package. If you already have health-based initiatives, consider adding in a martial arts enrollment to support it. Membership won’t make everyone improve their fitness or overall health, but it can make it easier for them to do it. Finding money for wellness programs is tough for many people. Providing this for them can be a big help.

2. Investing in a preventative step

People who exercise regularly end up taking fewer days off. A consistent exercise routine can also help individuals manage their weight, sleep better, lower their stress, and drop the risk of heart disease. Offering a martial arts membership can help your employees improve their health and reduce their need to take sick days while improving their lives overall. 

3. A cost-effective choice

Let’s expand on that last point about taking fewer sick days when employees’ overall health is better. The choice to have a wellness program is cost-effective as it reduces the need for days off in the short and long term. Employees with better health are much less likely to get common colds or to have chronic health issues. 

Better health can reduce the need for on-going prescriptions or other costly medical benefits. You usually can negotiate a group discount at the dojo. 

Choose the right martial arts academy to partner with

These are just a few of the many good reasons for providing martial arts program memberships for your employees. Just make sure to work with the right dojo to get the best rates and opportunities for your employees. New York Martial Arts Academy offers corporate training programs that can be tailored to the needs of your organization and employees.

Give New York Martial Arts Academy a call today at (877) 878-3553 to chat through your options. 

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