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To The Parents Who Want to Raise a More Confident Child

Dear reader, 

To The Parents Who Want to Raise a More Confident Child

As a parent, there are pivotal, proud moments we remember the most… 

When they walk through the door beaming, and show us their report card with straight A’s. When they get the big hit in their Little League game. When they offer to help an elderly neighbor carry the groceries. 

These moments give us a glimpse at the type of person they can become. They are moments to be proud. But the truth is parenting comes with a lot of worry, as well. We worry about their safety when they’re not at home with us, or when we’re not in control of their experience. 

Every time your child rides off in that school bus, all we can do is hope for the best. We can trust that the values we’ve instilled and the lessons we’ve taught stick. The rest is up to them. 

That worry and concern will never go away – you’re their parent after all. But there are ways to alleviate it. There are easy steps you can take to prepare your child for any situation they may face in the course of their day. You can make them feel safer on the playground, in the lunchroom, and roaming the hallways. 

Your child can feel more confident with everything they undertake – and you can breathe a little easier. They will be able to stand up to bullies, and have a toolkit for focus and discipline. They will be able to solve their own problems.

Bullies target the kids they perceive as timid, or unconfident. What if that’s not your child? What if they felt safer and you felt more assured every time your son or daughter makes their way into the world on their own? 
It’s possible. 

We mold highly-confident, well-rounded individuals. We introduce children to a positive lifestyle that spills over into all aspects of their life. 

New York Martial Arts Academy (NYMAA) has four locations. This is what makes us truly different than the hundreds of other local Martial Arts studios: 
  • NYMAA teaches Jeet Kune Do, the Martial Art that Bruce Lee developed. We are the only school within the Tri-State area authorized by the Bruce Lee Foundation to teach it. Not only that, but you can learn this art through the teachings of second and third-generation Bruce Lee students at the New York Martial Arts Academy. We teach all aspects (mind, body, spirit). Your child will develop friendships and a common respect for fellow martial artists.
NYMAA has been working with children since our doors opened in 1985. Each of our instructors has more than a decade of martial arts experience, including our lead instructor, with 46. 

We always teach our classes with our students’ best interest in mind. For example, many martial arts schools teach methods that are inapplicable in real life. They may be following the spirit of whichever style of martial arts they are teaching, but there’s little real life benefit. What’s the point if the child cannot use the skill outside of the dojo? 

That is why we teach practical skills your child will be able to implement, wherever they may be. 

We have taught more than 10,500 students in 35 plus years of business. NYMAA was also voted the most outstanding martial arts school in America at the MP Power Summit, the largest Martial Arts convention in America.

Here’s How Your Child Will Benefit From NYMAA:
  • Self Defense Skills
  • Confidence
  • Focus
  • Discipline
If your child gives us a few hours of time each week, we can show you a significant transformation. When they put in the work and come to learn, their personal growth and fulfillment become a beautiful thing to watch. 

We know you probably have some questions, and maybe some reservations about signing your child up for martial arts classes. To be honest, we’ve heard a lot of them before. So I thought I’d answer a few of the common ones right now, to help you feel better about your upcoming decision. 


Will my child get hurt? 

No. We stress the development of technique through repetitive movements. There is minimal contact in everything we do. Your child is no more likely to get hurt in a martial arts class at NYMAA than through baseball, soccer, or basketball. 
Will the martial arts make my child violent?

No. We stress that the skills we teach in the martial arts are meant for self defense, and that means hitting is not OK. 

What you learn through NYMAA is designed to instill confidence, and protect you from a bully or attacker. De-escalation is always preferred. 

Can my child do this?

Yes. We have a system and structure to everything our experienced instructors teach. Our program stresses fundamentals, and moves at a pace that allows everyone to keep up. 

Is my child too young for this?

We believe that the benefits of the martial arts can begin at an early age. The age brackets for our classes are 4-6-year-olds, and 7-12-year-olds. 

Will my child be with kids her own age?

Yes. Again, we have a 4-6-year-old class, and a 7-12-year-old class. If we do drills that involve a partner, students are encouraged to find one of similar age, size and ability. 

Our School Changes Lives

For parents, we provide peace of mind. For children, we provide the means for a complete transformation. 

The playground is a place your child should enjoy, not fear. When they were younger, they roamed around the slides, monkey bars, and merry-go-rounds without a care in the world. 

School is an opportunity to grow, but only when children have the ability to focus on learning. Proficiency in the martial arts will give your child a toolkit for improving their future.  

If you can’t tell, I’m passionate about the impact of the martial arts on our youth. I could talk about it forever. But you don’t have to believe me. 
I want you to hear from former students, and their parents about the changes that the martial arts created in their lives. These are the people who lived it firsthand. 


“I was looking for a safe and nurturing environment for my kids to learn martial arts. We've tried other martial art schools but they never wanted to stay after the trial periods. When my kids tried it out here, they had a great time. Kids know. They get great workouts, terrific instruction, and they are around good people. 

They've been coming to NYMAA since 2006. After watching my kids for a year,liking not only what they were taught, but how they were taught, I wanted to do JKD too. I was a bit unsure of myself in the beginning but the instructors and the students all made me feel welcome. I am so happy I joined up. I feel stronger, healthier and more confident. This is a great school!”
- Laura Kim, Mother of
a NYMAA student

“My son and I started training at NYMMA in 2012 and we both love the art, philosophy, and the instructors. It is very difficult to find a school that teaches an effective combat martial art, balanced with a friendly and collaborative environment. The knowledge, skills, and passion that the instructors bring every day, make it the best school we have ever trained at.

The kids’ class has helped my son develop a sense of discipline, focus, and dedication. The supportive environment has really elevated his confidence level. On top of that, I know that he can defend himself if he needs to. 

I highly recommend this school to anyone interested in martial arts, but know that it will take commitment and a willingness to push yourself past your comfort zone, and the instructors and other students will be there to support you!”
- Megen Lee, mother of
a NYMAA student

“We are so glad we decided to enroll our son here. It has helped with his personal issues, as well as making new friends. The sifu are always more than willing to help provide guidance and assist with redirecting him if we have any issues. Our son has grown and learned alot, and continues to grow through the program. Highly recommend.”
- Nicole Kasper-Bopp, mother of
a NYMAA student

My 5-year-old has been attending classes for 6 months and he loves it. I have noticed that he has better self-control and is more confident. The staff is very pleasant, and really care about the children. Love this place!
- Ivelise Arroyo, mother of
a NYMAA student

Give Your Child a Playbook for Success

Your child is not immune to the stresses of the world. As much as we’d like to, we can’t protect them from everything that they’ll see – we can only prepare them for it. 

There will be stress and anxiety. There will be bad days and good. Not everyone they meet will have their best interest in mind. There will be bad actors and bullies. 

We can give them a playbook for those moments. We can show them what it takes to come out on top in the most adversarial of situations. 

The Final Step

New York Martial Arts Academy is not your average martial arts studio. We are steeped in a tradition that stems back to the teachings of America’s foremost martial arts legend. 

Your child will be the benefactor of that tradition. She will have the toolkit for confidence, discipline and focus. She will of course be feeling more physically fit. 

Give us a call or bring your child in to any of our four locations for an introductory lesson at no charge. We’re confident you’ll both like it. If you’re like most who take that step, you and your child will want to stick around for the benefits. 

Take that first step toward a more self-reliant child today. Your child will thank you!

James Orfranos 
Director of Operations
New York Martial Arts Academy

P.S – Is your child involved in other sports or activities? The martial arts serves as a great cross training method because of the cardiovascular and strength elements involved.

Our locations: 

25-06 Broadway
Astoria, NY 11106
(718) 278-1962

184 N. 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(347) 721-3288

Long Island 
214 Glen Cove Ave 
Glen Cove, NY 11542

253-08 Northern Blvd. 
Little Neck, NY 11362
(718) 281-1717

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